found on hackernews -
Beautiful day to be out and read a book. Perfect weather to stay in the sun
Pouring coffee almost every day ☕️
Beautiful hydrangeas this year. Last 2 years we had no flowers
| Do you want to build an app or website but don’t enjoy the process of designing? Then make it ugly. Who cares! Design is for an audience and you don’t have one. Functionality is more important right now. Maybe a designer will notice and want to improve it for you, but until then take pride in your crappy UI.
| Blogging is fun and therapeutic. Grammar and editing aren’t. As long as your thoughts are coherent, don’t worry too much about writing mistakes or filtering yourself. Just use Grammarly to fix elementary-level errors and move on. It’s more about the writing process than the final product.
Well thought. Do what you enjoy. You are not building for FAANG and you are your user.
My favourite from the list above
Like houses in need of repair, problems usually don’t fix themselves.
Envy is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die.
People aren’t thinking about you as much as you think.
Being grateful is a cheat sheet for happiness. (Especially today.)
Never say, I’ll never…
One hand washes the other and together they get clean. Help someone else.
aand, latte art keeps getting better and bette
Made an avatar that looked like me - pretty cool eh!!!
Read this online on flying kites during Dashain 🪁
It is said that when you fly kites in the sky, you are letting your ancestors in heaven know that you are doing fine. Moreover, it also means that you are remembering them. Also, in some aspects, it is believed that kites are a way to guide the recently released souls to heaven.
The animals and people that die on earth need to find a way to heaven. Thus, kites join the sky and the earth during this holy time, being a medium to find their way.
While there is another myth that defines this act as a message to Lord Indra who is well known as the god of rain.
But this time, the message is not a request for rain instead it is to stop the rain. So that the farmers could harvest their grains.
Paper kites are also believed to be a way of sending the message of joy and wishes to our friends, neighbors, and family during the festivities and happiness.
Well, talking about the reasons for flying kites does not end the sequence here. There is, however, one more interesting folklore related to flying kites, which starts with the people of the Kathmandu Valley, who used to fly the kites in their free time.
But, this recreation eventually caused injury to several birds, and it also killed a few of them.
Then, the birds summoned a meeting with the king, reporting the threads in their lives. The meeting then, as expected, concluded with the people agreeing to fly kites only once a year. And that time is none other than during Dashain.
Ghar ko pyaaro fiddle leaf fig ko plant
Best pour till date! Im super happy
Coffee pour keeps getting better and better.
Dont look up to anything, dont look down on anything- sadhguru
Note to self: increase your luck surface area by telling about your work.
Just had a 30min discussion about potty with my neice. Very interesting points actually. Rainbows after you flush 🌈
Bidding 2021 goodbye and hoping for a peaceful and productive 2022
And the pour keeps getting better and better ☕️
Best pour till date. gajjab cha baa
Kamal pokhari is getting better every day. They took a long long time, but its finally getting somewhere. Sad that locals make it dirty really quick
At one point i was getting really good looking tulips. Now they look like onions (or a blob)
need to start practicing pouring again.
Inspired by jean jullien's instagram posts about father's day.
watched luca today and omg this is such a nice movie.
Also, setup blurhash on this site. best way to test it :D
Saw this on twitter and had it saved. Keeping it to remember this word :) fuubutsushi
Had this saved as a screenshot from back in 2018. Still funny 😆
"Bring out the Magic in your Mind" was written almost 30 years ago by a man named Al Koran, who was then known as "the Finest Mental Magician in the World!!"
In the chapter " The Secret of Wealth" he writes the following:
"When you send your money out, remember always to bless it. Ask it to bless everybody that it touches, and command it to go out and feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and command it to come back a millionfold! Don't pass over this lightly. I am serious."
Over the next few days, why not follow Al Koran's advice and see what happens??
When you pay for your groceries, silently bless all those who have helped bring this food to you: the farmers, the delivery people, the store clerks....
Writing a check for your children's education, why not wing a silent prayer to their teachers?
When buying that magazine off the rack in a convenience store, bless the person who is toiling behind the counter and hope the money adds value to the quality of his/her life!!
The Timeless Truth is "The hand that gives is the hand that gathers!!"
I've been using my custom-built privacy-friendly user analytics app for more than a month now. Super satisfied. It easily tracks ~150k visits a day, is GDPR compliant, runs on a ~10usd/mo instance. What would you like to know?
#TIL Just found that you can snooze emails in gmail as reminders. This is an amazing feature that will be useful to have a clear mindspace. If you didn't know of this, right click on any email on gmail.
lol! that red dot haha
"Security is always excessive until it’s not enough" -- Robbie Sinclair - Best thing to know for these covid times
Best thing i have seen in a while. Insanely funny and happens to the best of us
The peter principle
Good use of colors on the bits and pretzels website. #blue #yellow #goodColors. Keeping this so that i can come back to see it in the future.
just wrote instead of console.log, maybe i should stop working now :D
Okay, its done. From today on I rename the hamburger menu the grilled-cheese-burger
Because, why not!!
#illustration #scooter #vespa #procreate
wrote a little thing about "display:contents" css property that i learned about this week.
Ever since I heard/read about subgrid, there has been so many times when i've thought this is what we'll need subgrid for. Really need subgrid to be supported by all major browsers :) life will be easier then, a little. But still :)
Revamped my stream at . Functions pretty much the same but everything is different. Notice the fancy generative art on the side :D (only visible on large screens) #yay
Kathmandu is just beautiful today. #rainbow
Added a userscript to firefox that removes annoying ads from ekantipur. Love it :D
Levelling up my #digital #illustration game.
started making an avocado, had to make the board and the knife. Love the textures. #procreate
#Pakodas, #rain and #tea. can there be a better a combination?
"I trust, i have surrendered"
This has to be one of the best things i've read in a long time.
If you are looking for some optimism in these times - its a must read.
RT so that others read it too.
Friends are better than money. Almost anything money can do, friends can do better. In so many ways a friend with a boat is better than owning a boat.
I've been playing around with #emacs for some days now. Started with writing some clojure and i must say, i kind-of like it. :D
Brushing up on my #digital #illustration skills.
This is hugely inspired (read copied) from the work of
check my instagram to follow my random encounters with art.
Learning to make mandalas. Gotta say this is fun.
Find me on instagram to follow my random encounters with art.
Just had this thought!
In react, it would be cool if instead of lifting state, i could just pull data from a child component when the parent component wants it.
What's the benefit, IDK 🤷 .. feels the child component can be cleaner and less dependent on the parent. - pretty cool list of ways to exit vim.
I'd like to add one more
The power button way
Shut down the computer - that way you inherently exit vim as well
Playing around with creating svg shapes and animating them. Pretty cool and addictive i must say :D #mandala
When you give the best you have to someone in need, it translates into something much deeper to the receiver. It means they are worthy. <3 amazing writeup on gratitude and how big of a difference it can make.
Quite late to the party, but i must say IntersectionObserver is quite cool :D
Testing this thing out.
Great event at foodmario today.
#kathmandu you piece of awesomeness!!
Best time of the year in #kathmandu #nepal. Love the #purple madness this time of the year. #jacarendas
Finally excited about a bollywood movie. Kesari’s trailer is impressive. Will get into the history and am curious about the authenticity of the story. Hernai parla yo :D
Attending WordCamp Kathmandu in stealth mode. Pehchaan kaun :D
Had this thought about how sharing is the best way to learn. Those who share what they learn, learn the most. -
I just learned about i3 scratchpad last night and i have the feeling that it is going to change my *development* life :D
Jai Shambhoo!!!
Found this on facebook, The most ultimate video tutorial ever created, learn C++ in one video 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
#thought Technology is the only tool that can give the third world powers of the first world.